Sunday 31 January 2016


This past month I have been researching companies, so that I can email them for the questionnaire. I wrote a list of haulage company's from the haulage magazine Commercial Motor. This is also where I got the list of workshop companies. Some of the haulage companies have a workshop as well as a haulage.
From this I created a Word Document with all of the haulage companies so this would be easier to colour coodinate which companies had a website and email and which ones did not. This has been completed, however the colour co ordinated is in the process. I have also finished the designs of the application, the next stage will be to give these to the owner of the company, to see if they are okay or to see if there is any improvements. The admin side to the application has been started. The next stage will be to set the database up as at the moment the database is the default that comes with django and it does not support map data.