Sunday 31 January 2016


This past month I have been researching companies, so that I can email them for the questionnaire. I wrote a list of haulage company's from the haulage magazine Commercial Motor. This is also where I got the list of workshop companies. Some of the haulage companies have a workshop as well as a haulage.
From this I created a Word Document with all of the haulage companies so this would be easier to colour coodinate which companies had a website and email and which ones did not. This has been completed, however the colour co ordinated is in the process. I have also finished the designs of the application, the next stage will be to give these to the owner of the company, to see if they are okay or to see if there is any improvements. The admin side to the application has been started. The next stage will be to set the database up as at the moment the database is the default that comes with django and it does not support map data. 

Thursday 24 December 2015


Since the last post I have created a poster of the tracker, which was put up so that I could get feedback from people. This was successful.
I also got feedback from the draft project proposal, in which I have now incorporated with the project. 
I was able to come up with a research question for the project.
I have also started to compile a list of companies and trackers which are already available.
I have installed Project so that I can start to write my Gantt Chart.
I also signed up to motor transport so that I can gain access to the top 100 companies for this year.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Week 2 - 19/11/15

I have handed in my draft proposal and have also started looking at the different python web frameworks. This would be what I would research in my project so that I can compare them so that I have done considerable research as to why I have chose the web framework. I would read different articles and any blogs that are on the python web frameworks. 

I have also started to find out whether there is anything available like my project. I have found that Navman and Fleet management are like my project, so this would have to be what I would research as well.  

My notes from the seminar is that I should look into the different web frameworks and see if there is any applications like my project. Also to look into what happens if there is no signal, and if there are any additional devices that the business needs such as in the trucks. 

Monday 9 November 2015

Week 1 - 09/11/15

  • Started with the draft project proposal. 
  • I have researched Django packages to go write the map for the tracker. 
  • I have researched iOS and how to write apps, in case the business would like to have an iOS app.
  • I have talked to the busniess to see what they would like to base the application on - to have a tracker and with the business being a haulage business they would like a tracker for repairs and MOT's.
  • I have started to write some designs for the application. 
  • Remember functional specification.